
the Future,

Experience the power of Hyper-Scalability towards a Zero-Carbon Footprint Network.
Block Creation Time
5 Seconds
Block Creation Time
Military Grade Security
Military Grade Security
Block size
Block Size
Zero carbon footprint
Carbon Neutral
Zero carbon footprint
Phaeton Blockchain
Phaeton Blockchain has a decentralised ledger system with a 250kb block size (potential of one million transactions) and five-second creation time. Phaeton Blockchain is based upon the Delegated Proof of Stake plus Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (DPoS+dBFT) consensus algorithm, therefore improving energy efficiency. Phaeton remains an independent blockchain focusing on providing a platform for enterprises to use, whether it be for monetary, transaction, data or smart contracts. The ability for individuals to host a node is critical for speed, scalability and security of the Blockchain.
Download Phaeton Wallet
Empire C&E Carbon Nemesis
Multiply Property Group
Blocko Hooters
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Positive Off-Grid Solutions
Empire C&E Carbon Nemesis
Multiply Property Group
Blocko Hooters
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Phaeton Carbon Credit Exchange
Phaeton Carbon Credit Exchange
Phaeton Identity
Phaeton Identity
Phaeton Real Estate
Phaeton Real Estate
Phaeton ESG Bond Exchange
Phaeton ESG Bond Exchange
Phaeton Artemis Node
Phaeton Artemis Node
Phaeton Supply Chain
Phaeton Supply Chain
Phaeton Solutions
Scalability: Supports multiple blockchains through a mechanism called “Sidechains” which allows transactions to be processed efficiently, securely and in parallel.
Interoperability: Separate Sidechain applications are capable of sharing information with functionality thanks to Sidechain’s operating design and compatibility between chains.
Energy Efficient: Uses less than 0.0001% of energy required compared to its nearest competitor. Phaeton has a carbon neutral footprint.
Launch our Carbon Credit Exchange.
Launch Phaeton Identity.
Launch Phaeton Real Estate.
Launch Phaeton Bonds.
Testing Quantum key signature integration.
International Green Energy battery node deployment.
IPO silo for international growth.
Research and development to support a Quantum network.
International Green Energy node and data infrastructure.
International Internet service provider utilizing our network infrastructure.
Satellite data Blockchain network to increase security and speed to transmit data and information.
Our Mission is to create the world’s first true Web3 infrastructure network powered by green energy solutions. Our goal is to prevent cybersecurity threats by decentralizing data across our network with our satellite partners bringing the next generation of hign speed secured data transmission to the world.
Over the next decade the transition to quantum algorithms is to mark a paradigm shift in the business model for digital applications by making disintermediation a core element thus ensuring the security of what we value most which is our private information.
Welcome to the new internet where we specialise in advance encrypted Blockchain Technology.
Chai Shepherd
Chai Shepherd
Chief Executive Officer
Marc Bonorino
Marc Bonorino
Legal Advisor
Margie Baldock
Margie Baldock
Commercial Advisor
Sandra Morell
Sandra Morell
Non-Executive Director
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